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Join us for the IT Glue Quarterly Product Update where we will do a deep-dive on exciting new features and integrations to help you take your IT operations to the next level with intelligent documentation, automation, end-user collaboration and streamlined IT strategic planning.
You can also expect an exclusive look at the short-term and long-term product roadmapand more details on what’s coming for our AI engine, Cooper Copilot. This webinar is a fantastic opportunity to learn more and have your questions answered.
We will hold two webinar sessions. You can select the one that best fits your schedule. Some of the exciting Q1 news include:
- Seamless navigation and accessibility to IT documentation on-the-go with the IT Glue Mobile App 2.0
- Complete warranty and device expiration visibility in IT Glue through the myITprocess integration
- Amplify your abilities with Cooper Copilot Smart SOP Generator which will instantly create step-by-step guides based on recorded actions
- Insightful data for client growth planning with the Microsoft License Report in myITprocess
- COMING SOON IN IT Glue: Password SafeShare, Local Admin and Local Service Account Password Rotation, Checklist Enhancements, Smart Assist for Passwords
- COMING SOON IN myITprocess: True-Sync for Autotask Contracts, SonicWall support for Device Lifecycle Management